A powerful nation built on freedom,
protected by bombs and defended with lies.
The American dream machine never dies.
Capitalist cannibals.
The rich and heinous.
Bullet proof Armani vests.
Heavily guarded armored souls.
Get rich or die lying.
Animalistic pleasure vessels
swilling beverages and smoking dope.
Can't stop. Won't stop.
Dopamine fiend.
One nation. One God.
Space station. Tax fraud.
With liberty and justice for few.
In God we lust.
Boats in the water.
Ships in the air.
Boots on the ground.
A flush beats a pair.
One war ends.
Another begins.
A never ending story.
A faithful allegory.
Political pawns.
Gun-toting chess pieces.
Forced eviction.
Short-term leases.
"Evolutionary" 33x80in 2010