I think she represents strength and integrity. She represents courage and perseverance. She is an image of protection and wisdom. The background is a sweet summer treat we all know and love - evoking nostalgia and swimming pool vibes while simultaneously representing American war and violent red, white, and blue rockets.
This image is sweet and dangerous.
This image is a Grandma with a gun.
An AK47 is an icon of war. I feel that good art starts a conversation, and I think that in today’s America, this image is very loaded. It raises immigration issues, gun laws, race wars, sugar marketing, the military industrial complex, and just what does American freedom and democracy mean?
There’s a lot of violence in Mexico almost entirely because of the U.S. and the war on drugs. A lot of suffering has been caused by the U.S. around the world. It’s time to focus on protecting and aiding our communities and the people around us.