Land of the Free, Home of the Contradiction

"Land of the Free, Home of the Contradiction" Brian R. Hibbard 2013

"Land of the Free, Home of the Contradiction" 
Brian R. Hibbard 2013

Cancer stick breath mints
Fire-breathing meth heads
Tucked in under America's bridges
Living the dream on concrete futons

Capitalist refuse
Forfeiting hunger games
Asking for helping hands
And receiving cold shoulders

Corporate lobbyists beg
A young nation grows older
But no one's the wiser

Entire cities erupt in corrupt bankrupt change cups
Spilling over in stock market casinos
Bit coin treasuries occupy mall streets

Remote controlled wars with minority majorities
Propaganda drones seize thrones
Talking heads justify lies

Archaic diction governs the robots of today
Fearing change as we beg for more
Pope Francis' helping glances draw sneers
From the right-wing gears

In the media machine
America's Dean
Wagging his finger
At the spellbound peons

Plugged into the hypnotizing glow of TV screens
Prescription zombies affixed to couches
Inside hard-earned living room IKEA jail cells